Thursday, February 18, 2010

Miracle Kate - Orange County Preemie Photographer

Born 9 weeks early, Kate has been on quite the roller coaster ride already. She's not quite ready to go home yet, so we improvised in the NICU and she was a perfect little super model for her first photo shoot. She has stolen my heart with those beautiful eyes and perfect skin. Meet Kate.

So tiny in her Daddy's hands.

So alert for still being so far away from her due date. I was amazed!

and mom of the year. 63 days on hospital bed go girl!
and dad of the year, who held down the home front while mom was away (and also happens to be great at decorating hospital rooms!)

Love this! Gazing at her mommy. Pure love.

Welcome to the world baby Kate. We're so happy you're here and healthy!

and thank you B family for sharing your little miracle with me. I loved every minute of it.


Tracy Bremmer February 18, 2010 at 9:27 PM  

Seriously Samantha, these photos brought tears to my eyes. It is such a miracle to see the wonderful creation that God has given up, despite the tumultous journey! Thank you for helping us to chronicle this livelong memories with extraordinary photos! I hope you don't mind but I'm going to post your blog on my FB for all my family/friends to see. Thank you again!!!

Jen Badraun February 22, 2010 at 8:40 AM  

Beautiful! They turned our amazing! I am so excited to see where this takes you! There is no greater blessing in photograph for me than capturing fresh life and the tender moments of a beloved parent enteracting with their baby!

Anonymous February 22, 2010 at 5:41 PM  

I am so proud of the work you do and of you. It is a reflection of your deeply held love of life and the amazing wonder of God's handiwork.

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