Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Little C! - Orange County Baby Photographer

Little Miss C came to me the first time like this.

She was just a tiny little perfect doll. And in the blink of an eye...she's a year old! Still a little doll.

She really enjoyed her cake too!

Holy Cuteness!

The little diva was decked out too! I big fluffy heart love the little roll of fat poking out! Seriously cute!

She was a little less than impressed with the outfit/posing idea. She may have pulled the diva card for a moment. "seriously?"

And with her Brian. What a difference a year makes. sniff. sniff.

Thank you S family for letting me share this year with you and for letting me watch little C grow. I've loved it!


Lina May 16, 2011 at 12:55 PM  

Kids grow so fast, great work!

Alex May 31, 2011 at 2:21 PM  

These are so adorable :) haha.

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