Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back in the Swing - Orange County Baby Photographer

I had a long, glorious, wonderful summer. We traveled and spent time together as a family. But as the fall has approached, my shutter finger started to itch a bit. So this weekend, I dusted off my studio lights and got to shoot the most adorable little girl! She has a great name and beautiful eyes and a loving family...love it!

See, told you her eyes were to die for!

and her posing a bit for me. I love her little toes peeking out! What a cutie!
Thank you "H" family for sharing your little angel with me!


The Proud Parents September 6, 2011 at 10:27 PM  


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your patience and for truly going above and beyond during our photo shoot! You truly captured the "sweetness" in our Sweet Angel. We absolutely love the pictures.

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